Apple CEO Tim Cook Wakes Up Every Day at 4 a.m. Here’s the First Thing He Does
원문 : Apple CEO Tim Cook Wakes Up Every Day at 4 a.m. Here’s the First Thing He Does It helps to get up before dawn if you run the world’s most valuable company. 여러분이 세계에서 가장 가치있는 회사를 운영한다면 동트기 전에 일어나는 것에 도움이 될 겁니다. Apple CEO Tim Cook revealed in an interview with Axios’s Ina Fried and Mike Allen that he gets up before 4 a.m. on a daily basis. 애플 최고경영자인 팀쿡은 Axios의 Ina Fried와 Mike Allen..
2018. 11. 22. 12:13